The startup owner's manual: The Step-by-Step guide for building a great company.

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de Brand: K S Ranch
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The Startup Owner's Manual Now a decade after the Four Steps to the Epiphany sparked the Lean Startup revolution, comes its sequel... The Startup Owner's Manual. The Manual incorporates 10 years of learning and best practices that have swept the startup world. It incorporates the `Business Model Canvas` as the organizing principle for startup hypotheses, provides separate paths and advice for web/mobile products versus physical products, offers a wealth of detailed instruction on how to get, keep, and grow customers recognizing the different techniques for web and physical channels and teaches a `new math` for startups: `metrics that matter for fueling growth`. The Startup Owner's Man...
  • Used Book in Good Condition
Informations complémentaires
Marque Brand: K S Ranch
ASIN 0984999302
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