Running Lean 2e

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76 mois 30492.00
76 mois 27234.00
76 mois 24797.00
Are you an entrepreneur about to create a new web application? If you want to maximize your chances of building something customers want, this book demonstrates ways to apply and test techniques for customer development, Lean Startup, and bootstrapping. Learn how to identify and engage customers throughout the development cycle so you can focus on building a product that people will actually buy and use. By rigorously following the techniques described in Running Lean, you can eliminate waste - whether it's time, money, effort, or all of the above - and get your product to market quickly. Refined through the real-world experiences of dozens of startup companies, these techniques are part of Eric Ries' Lean Startup methodology. Principles covered in this book include: * Find a problem worth solving, then define a solution * Demo before building * Pricing is part of the product * Maximize for speed, learning, and focus * Build a continuous feedback loop with customers throughout the product development cycle * Right Action, Right Time * Build a path to customers from day one
Informations complémentaires
ASIN 1449305172
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