Vdealen 3x3 Eco-Friendly Vitesse Cube de Magique Professionnel

de Senioroy
Toutes les images Autres vendeurs : 8.99€
Dernière mise à jour : 73 mois ( mettre à jour)
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Prix Date
Actuel 8.99€ 73 mois
Le plus bas 7.49€ 83 mois
Moyenne 8.90€
Le plus haut 9.39€ 76 mois
Dernières modifications
Date Prix
73 mois 8.99€
75 mois 8.99€
76 mois 9.39€
78 mois Pas en stock
78 mois 7.99€
* 1 correspond à l'article le plus vendu et 5000 au 5000ème article le plus vendu.

Statistiques du classement
Classement Date
Actuel 27353.00 73 mois
Le plus bas 3142.00 83 mois
Moyenne 28313.00
Le plus haut 92286.00 77 mois
Dernières modifications
Date Prix
73 mois 27353.00
75 mois 37126.00
75 mois 49123.00
75 mois 49721.00
76 mois 54267.00
Playing with intellectual toys, no matter how often, always strikes one as something fresh.And so it develops one's intelligence and fosters talents. Need something for your kids to tap intellectual resources in the spare time ? Need a stress reliever before the big business meeting? Speed cube to the rescue! Environmental Material Product Crafted with original and eco-friendly ABS material, non-toxic, reliable and lightweight, harmless to human and environment Enjoy Easy Turning & Smooth Play This standard structure(3x3x3, 56x56x56mm) cube is already super-fast without any extra tuning - exactly what you need to speed cube with the best of them - even if you are a beginner. Improved anti-pop technology gives our Cube rugged durability; no matter how fast you are going, it won't jam on you. Mash away without fear of the dreaded pop that could ruin your puzzle and sprain your finger as well. Proper Lubricated -Every cube is pre-lubricated and adjusted by the manufacturer. -If the cube doesn't fit your style, just open the center caps and adjust the screws.
  • Combines high performance designs with good value.The 6 plastic color puzzle never requires stickers , Crafted with original and eco-friendly ABS material, non-toxic, reliable and lightweight, harmless to human and environment
  • Great corner cutting , Tension adjustable.It doesn't corner twist as often nor does it lock up. good control of the cube.Excellent stability
  • Recyclable material, harmless to human and environment.
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Marque Senioroy
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