PlayStation 4 Design Sticker Skin Set for console + 2 controllers - Skull Black

(27 commentaires)
de Gaminger
Toutes les images Autres vendeurs : 19.99€
Dernière mise à jour : 75 mois ( mettre à jour)
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Actuel 19.99€ 75 mois
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Actuel 474058.00 75 mois
Le plus bas 61156.00 78 mois
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75 mois 474058.00
75 mois 476528.00
75 mois 479575.00
75 mois 482063.00
75 mois 484443.00
Gaminger presents: Designfilm for the complete PlayStation 4 console and two DualShock 4 Controllers. Perfect cutted Skins creating an unique style. Includes skins for two controllers. Easy to apply - Air bubbles can easy be removed. Can be re-adjusted anytime. Different designs to change. High quality print and strong material. Exclusive Stickers for your PlayStation 4. PlayStation 4 Skinset for the whole console. Contrary to most other offers there are two skins for the controllers included, so you don't have to buy them for high prices. They protect your favorite console for scratches and dents. These perfect cutted covers make your PlayStation an eye-catcher! The skins can easily be removed anytime if you wish another design. Includes: 1 Skinset console, 2 Skinset Controller. Have a look for the other "Gaminger" offers for the PlayStation 4 / Slim / Pro! We also offer Skins with rough structure and with honeycomb pattern! Just search for "Gaminger" at
  • Perfect cutted design film protects your PlayStation 4 against scratches and dents
  • Easy to apply bubble-free and can be adjusted as required without problems
  • Exclusive designs with high quality and strong vinyl creates your unique PlayStation 4
  • Style design, simple designs, animals, rough structure - a lot of different designs to choose
  • Includes: 1 Skinset console, 2 Skins controller
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Marque Gaminger
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