Nerf – Doomlands 2169 – Lawbringer – Fusil + 12 Fléchettes

de Hasbro
Toutes les images Autres vendeurs : 51.89€
Dernière mise à jour : 75 mois ( mettre à jour)
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75 mois 51.89€
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75 mois 82997.00
75 mois 80395.00
76 mois 81177.00
Contenu: Nerf DoomLands Lawbringer, 12 N-Strike Elite DoomLands Darts According to modern science the Nerf 2169 Doomlands Lawbringer equals 2.4 Nerf N-Strike Elite Zombie Strike Hammershots or Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenges. This is because the 12 dart cylinder of the Lawbringer holds exactly 2.4 times as many darts as the Hammershot or Sweet Revenge while the rest of the blaster works pretty much the same way - to cock the blaster you have to pull down the Hammer with your thumb. This means that the Lawbringer is not only capable of being wielded one-handed - you could also dual wield it! The Lawbringer's stock holds 12 darts which effectively doubles its capacity. Attention! Only suitable for children over 8 years. Do not aim at eyes or face. Do not use other projectiles except those of the manufacturer. Not suitable for children under 3 years as small parts may be swallowed. Danger of suffocation!
  • Contenu de la livraison: Nerf DoomLands Lawbringer, 12 N-Strike Elite DoomLands Darts
  • Produit: Nerf N-Strike Elite DoomLands 2169 Lawbringer
  • Type de produit: Rifle
  • Marque: Nerf DoomLands
  • Fabricant: Hasbro
Informations complémentaires
Marque Hasbro
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