Leifheit 25703 Dérouleur mural 3 Rouleaux Parat ComfortLine

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de Leifheit 
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Product Description Features Leifheit Comfortline provides a range of practical helpers with high requirements in ergonomics & functionality Both roll containers are equipped with razor-sharp special blades, which cut the foil neatly and precisely. The razor-sharp blades are hidden behind the ergonomic shaped cutter, free from the risk of injury. Simple wall installation,Installation accessories included Suitable for cling film and tin foil. If housework has to be done easier, more convenient and quicker, then LEIFHEIT has been one step ahead for the past 50 years. We prove it every day: LEIFHEIT is always a better idea. And we'll also be a better idea in the future because we take intense measures to incorporate the most current trends and our customer's demands and needs. Product benefits, technologies, ergonomics and quality form a harmonious unit among our product range and we always focus on it. A new recipe for success. The kitchen area has a new look with numerous product innovations, a modern packaging design and two completely redesigned product lines will guarantee success. The attractive Comfortline range satisfies the modern trends and demands of consumers with modern materials like high quality plastic and stainless steel. Leifheit Comfortline provides a wide range of practical helpers with high requirements in ergonomics, functionality. The white plastic radiates cleanliness and hygiene with non slip stability. Box Contains 1 x Leifheit Wall-Mounted Roll Holder Parat
  • Curseur de découpe éprouvé en acier inox de grande qualité
  • Extrémités de films propres grâce à des lames très tranchantes
  • Films toujours accessibles
  • Garantie: 3 an(s)
  • Matière: Plastique
  • Couleur: Blanc
  • Garantie : 3 an(s)
  • Description du produit: Dérouleur 3 rouleaux de mur Parat
  • 2 curseurs-tranchoir en acier inoxydable; Le support de rouleau mural Parat offre un espace pour l'aluminium et un film transparent
  • Entièrement en ABS pour ne pas jaunir dans le temps
  • Facile à monter sur le mur, vis fournies; ; Couleur: Blanc/Gris
Informations complémentaires
Marque Leifheit 
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