J.CROW'S Lugol's Solution of Iodine 5%

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82 mois 32.99€
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Actuel 71099.00 78 mois
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78 mois 71099.00
78 mois 49984.00
78 mois 49072.00
78 mois 15575.00
78 mois 60548.00
Equivalent to USP or Higher. Calculating Number of MG's of Iodine and Potassium Iodide per Drop of Lugol's Solution: LUGOL'S 5 Percent: Each single vertical drop is about 6.25 mg's of iodine/potassium iodide. as 2.5 mg iodine, 3.75 mg potassium iodide. Two vertical drops is about 12.50 mg's of iodine/potassium iodide, as 5.0 mg iodine, 7.50 mg potassium iodide. Approximately 600 vertical drops per 1 oz. container. A vertical drop means to hold the dropper cap vertically when dispensing a drop. Not holding the dropper at an angle. To use as a water purifier add 2-3 drops per liter of water. In the book Folk Medicine, Dr. Jarvis wrote... all the blood in the body passes through the thyroid gland every 17 minutes. Because the cells making up this gland have an affinity for iodine, during this 17 minute passage the gland's secretion of iodine kills weak germs that may have gained entry into the blood through an injury to the skin, the lining of nose or throat, or through absorption of food from the digestive tract. Strong, virulent germs are rendered weaker during their passage through the thyroid gland. With each 17 minutes that rolls around they are made still weaker until finally they are killed if the gland has its normal supply of iodine. If it does not, it cannot kill harmful germs circulating in the blood as Nature intended it should. Jarvis Disclaimer. Though Dr. Jarvis refers to the many qualities of Lugol's Solution it is offered here only as a talisman. We are aware of its regular use in the past as a general purpose traditional disinfectant however, we make no claims with respect to its efficacy for any purpose whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • Lowest heavy metals rating by the Natural News Forensic Food Lab.
  • Sourced from USA mined crystals. Not from shellfish or kelp. Always fresh. Does not expire.
  • Approximately 600 vertical drops per 1oz bottle
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Marque J.CROW'S
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