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Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising

Amazon : 12.10€Autres vendeurs : 10.10€Occasion : 7.26€
Dernière mise à jour : 84 mois ( mettre à jour)
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Prix Date
Actuel 12.10€ 84 mois
Le plus bas 12.10€ 84 mois
Moyenne 12.14€
Le plus haut 13.09€ 92 mois
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Date Prix
84 mois 12.10€
85 mois 12.35€
86 mois 12.57€
86 mois 12.52€
86 mois 12.52€
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Prix Date
Actuel 10.10€ 84 mois
Le plus bas 6.32€ 91 mois
Moyenne 10.06€
Le plus haut 12.37€ 87 mois
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Date Prix
84 mois 10.10€
85 mois 11.41€
85 mois 11.71€
85 mois 11.80€
86 mois 11.83€
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Prix Date
Actuel 7.26€ 84 mois
Le plus bas 2.94€ 88 mois
Moyenne 7.42€
Le plus haut 13.67€ 91 mois
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Date Prix
84 mois 7.26€
86 mois 11.07€
86 mois 7.65€
86 mois 11.07€
87 mois 10.95€
* 1 correspond à l'article le plus vendu et 5000 au 5000ème article le plus vendu.

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Classement Date
Actuel 1755.00 84 mois
Le plus bas 55.00 90 mois
Moyenne 1834.00
Le plus haut 11189.00 88 mois
Dernières modifications
Date Prix
84 mois 1755.00
85 mois 2525.00
85 mois 4352.00
85 mois 891.00
85 mois 7222.00
Your new business went online yesterday and you've got a marketing budget of zero. How are you supposed to create a movement around your product? How can you get to your first thousand - or million - customers? Starting from zero, it feels impossible. Enter the growth hacker. You may not have heard of growth hacking yet, but you've certainly used the billion dollar brands built by it: Hotmail, AirBnB, Facebook, Dropbox, amongst many others. Growth hackers thrive on doing what traditional businessmen would consider impossible: creating something from nothing. They 'hack' their company's growth to create a narrative of sensational success, turning excited media, users and social media into a viral marketing force that will help their business grow exponentially. Silicon Valley has realized that growth hacking - not television commercials and billboards - is the successful start-up's secret weapon. Now growth hacker extraordinaire Ryan Holiday is ready to share his experience, teaching you how to harness the power of growth to propel you to success.Featuring insights from leading growth hackers, Growth Hacker Marketing is the essential guide to the revolutionary new approach to growing your business.
Informations complémentaires
ASIN 1591847389